Advice to the College

To start off I think Brooklyn College has a great head start in terms of using new media. They are currently present on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I definitely think they should continue to maintain their presence on these social media sites and continue to interact with students, perspective students, alumni, etc.  It would be great if Brooklyn College also decided to get Snapchat. As I mentioned in my last post, Snapchat is a great way for people to share in a creative way. It would be cool if Brooklyn College selected a student to take over it’s Snapchat every once in a while in order to document their personal Brooklyn College experience. It would enable other students or possible future students to see all that the school has to offer first hand. Snapchat is also great to document events that may be happening at the school for those who did not attend and may have wanted too.

Brooklyn College can also incorporate live streams into their new media repertoire. With apps and websites like Periscope, Google Chat, and Facebook Live the school can set up live events where viewers from all over can watch. Events can include information sessions for perspective students or even career counseling. Many students work full time or take classes online like this one and may not have the availability to go to the school for certain services. It would be a convenient option to also have them online.

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