Blog About Twitter


How do Twitter discussions compare to other forms of discussion?

Twitter vs. Blackboard:

One great thing about having discussions on Twitter is that you can get notified whenever someone replies to something you said. So even though everyone may not be on the site at the same time you can still get timely replies. One thing that inhibits discussions on Twitter is the character count. It can be a little hard to get your point across in only 140 characters per tweet. On Blackboard that is something you don’t have to worry about. It also helps that on Blackboard the discussions are categorized. So you know exactly where to go to read certain posts. On Twitter you may have to filter out posts from those you are following, along with retweets and trending posts to find and follow up on discussions. Hashtags can help but it still may not show tweets in correct order.

Twitter vs. In-Class Discussion:

Having a discussion in class or in person is the best way to have discussions. You are able to ask questions and have immediate responses. It is a lot more interactive and personal. It may also be the best way to learn because you can hear answers and feedback from majority if not all of your classmates. With Twitter it helps that you can use the internet to help boost your responses but, as I mentioned before your responses are still limited to an extent.

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